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Why you shouldn’t rely on Google to write your HR policy

HR policies play an important role not only in setting organisational standards, supporting trust, fairness and equality but to communicate your values and reflect your culture. As the dynamics of the workplace are so fast-changing right now, SMEs need to take the time to create HR policies that are personal to their organisation and culture, rather than rely on Google or copying other templated HR policies. 

Here are some of the reasons why: 

Constantly changing workplace dynamics 

In the last 20 months or so, we have seen a dramatic shift in the way in which organisations operate, particularly post-pandemic.  The design and application of hybrid working models whilst maintaining engagement and productivity, remote working, policies on sick pay, as well as the focus on equality and diversity in the workplace.  

The pandemic has exposed weaknesses for many SMEs, including inadequate technology, generalised HR policies, alongside individual challenges faced by many employees in managing work and home schooling and other caring responsibilities at the same time.

HR policies should be evolving, in the same way that your company culture evolves too. They should be collaborative, and not considered a ‘set of rules’ by your employees, but how HR can support the overall strategy of the business. 

Be the employer of choice

Attracting and retaining top talent is one of the key challenges for businesses recruiting today.  By having an effective HR policy in place, it shows that you are committed to your employees and want to design the right environment and culture from which they can thrive. 

HR policies help support both sides of the fence 

Many moons ago, HR policies were mainly designed to support and protect the employer, and only referred to when there was a bone of contention and then they gathered dust in people’s bottom desk drawer! However, as the workplace has evolved, so is the need for more carefully considered HR policies that really engage your employees and show how much you value and appreciate them. 

Important in the onboarding process

HR policies are important in the onboarding process too, educating new employees about their responsibilities and to understand the Company’s expectations. They help new onboards understand their benefits, salaries and employment conditions, and therefore reduce the incidence of grievances.

A reflection of your company culture

Every company culture is different, as are its employees, so it’s therefore important to design a HR policy that reflects both – where managers and employers can contribute to its success and thrive. 

If your HR policy has gathered dust in the bottom drawer, and you need to update it in line with the everchanging world of HR and to reflect your company culture, we’d love to help. 

Contact us for a consultation today >>

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