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Managing Menopause in the Workplace

managing menopause

Does your workplace have help available for female employees going through the perimenopause or menopause? 

While UK employers have made great strides in equality, inclusion and diversity in the workplace, many women are still not getting the support they need when going through the menopause.  

16.7 million people work within UK SME’s and a staggering 23% of working women have considered quitting due to the impact of menopause or menstrual symptoms at work.

Consequently, menopause support is key to maintaining and attracting talent, as well as nurturing good engagement, reducing absenteeism and increasing performance. 

A survey earlier this year by the World Bank identified that the UK employs 15.5 million women (either in full time or part time roles) of which 34% are aged between 35-49 and 28% are aged 50+.  When you consider that the perimenopause starts, on average, in women aged between 40-44, and the menopause between the ages of 45-55, this amounts to a great proportion of women whose daily working lives may be affected by symptoms of the menopause.   

How menopause can impact on work

Not all women experience the menopause in the same way. Very few sail through it without many symptoms at all, but for most, symptoms can include hot flushes, brain fog, poor sleep, low mood, anxiety, lack of confidence and poor concentration. These are just a few of the possible symptoms, every person experiences the menopause differently and, for some, the symptoms can be debilitating. 

Despite the impact on individuals, some women fear being able to talk openly about how the menopause is affecting their work, particularly if there is a lack of awareness amongst their male counterparts or line managers. If the company is not supportive of mental health issues, this can make it more difficult for women share how they are struggling with their menopausal symptoms.  

Not all women are aware that their symptoms are caused by the menopause, and indeed, not all seek medical treatments such as HRT to alleviate the symptoms. 

Menopause awareness training

Providing information and training to help employees understand and be supportive of anyone who may be struggling with their menopause is essential. There are many specialist companies who provide this type of training, and it includes a clear overview of the menopause, how people can be affected and ensures the right messaging and support is given.

Remember that it’s not just middle-aged women who are affected by the menopause. Partners, family members, work colleagues and employers can also suffer, and training will help to raise awareness and break down any communication barriers. 

How line managers can help women through the menopause

Line managers don’t need to be menopause experts, or even female, to be able to offer support. However, having the appropriate knowledge and awareness training will help to normalise conversations around the menopause and encourage them be more sympathetic.

Allowing for reasonable adjustments 

Employers may want to consider making reasonable adjustments to an individual’s workload, in the same way they would when dealing with mental health issues, to allow women to deal with menopausal symptoms. 

Reasonable adjustments such as working from home or staggered hours can be particularly helpful. Positioning desks near to a window where they can get natural ventilation, or fan desks might also help. 

Do we need a menopause policy?

Acas provides practical ways for employers to manage menopause in the workplace, including creating a specific menopause policy. Although not a legal requirement, at the very least, employers should make reference to making allowances to support employees through the menopause in their diversity and inclusion policies, flexible working policies, and absence / sickness policies. 

Be a menopause friendly employer

We strongly believe that to retain and attract the best talent, being able to support women through this life transition is so important. By creating an open culture of communication and providing education and training to create greater awareness of the menopause among all staff, companies will help to nurture a supportive, productive and inclusive environment for everyone. 

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