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Maintaining the human connection with hybrid working

With so many businesses having to navigate through change over the past few years, employees who have adopted a hybrid working model may be having a tough time maintaining that all-important human connection with their workforce. Implementing the right initiatives that foster collaboration and social interaction in a hybrid workplace is now more important than ever before. 

This article gives you the tools and initiatives to help you develop a better understanding of your employees’ emotional needs and how to maintain the human connection with a hybrid working model. 

Equal opportunities for in-office and remote employees

Nothing makes a person feel more excluded than being kept out of the loop, and it’s all too easy for your remote workers to feel this way. When employees have more phone calls and in-person conversations with their colleagues, they are likely to feel less lonely at work.

Consistent and regular communication processes should be maintained as far as possible. This might include involving remote employees on all in-person team meetings and having the technology to support that.  You can also use Apps such as Microsoft Teams instant messaging to have those virtual ‘water cooler’ conversations where you might share photos and celebrate team success so that everyone is kept in the loop of important announcements as well as general team banter. 

Create Buddy systems

Buddy Systems are a great method to onboard new employees by pairing them with an existing employee to act as their mentor during their initial weeks.  However, they can also be used regularly to help with learning and mentoring.  

To ensure a successful buddy system, it is important to match team members who have similar job profiles, interests, learning styles and personalities. This can help ensure that both individuals are able to communicate comfortably and learn from each other in a non-pressured environment. Their learnings can also be shared with the wider team at meetings to help foster collaboration and personal development. 

Virtual Happy Hours

Create opportunities for active socialisation. These are planned online or in-person events for team members to interact without talking about work. Making time and space for this discussion and asking participants to share what’s going on their world personally can help your team support each other and tap into common interests. 

Nurture wellbeing

Employees now want more flexibility, including freedom to choose where they work, which can have a positive effect on wellbeing. Trusting your team to maintain the same work output as if they were in the office and responding quick to any concerns will only help to improve your relationship. 

According to a survey, only 46 percent of employees feel they can speak openly at work about emotional health challenges without fear of consequences. The more you can encourage your employees to talk about mental health at work, the easier it is for them to ask for help and there’s better chance of team leaders being able to signpost where they might access help and guide them through any resources that you offer as a business.

If hybrid working is an option for your employees, you should have a Hybrid Working at Home Policy which clearly sets out their expected level of attendance in the office, what the expectations are for employees when they are working at home, as well as safe-working measures for home working.  

Partner with HR

As the hybrid workplace becomes the industry standard for organisations, working with a HR consultant, like 1850 can help to ensure that all employees feel supported by their organisation. We work with your organisation to understand your different employee personas so we can implement strategies that drive the right employee experience and ensure that you stay compliant with the right policies.  

If you want more advice on effective hybrid working initiatives, contact 1850 for a free consultation

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